As a reunion committee we take great pride in the positive feedback we get from classmates who have attended earlier reunions. We also take negative comments to heart and do whatever we can to correct problems.
The one comment we hear far too often is “gee, I wish (fill in the name) had been here.” Trust us we wish they had been there, too. Please keep in mind that we would love to be able to personally contact everyone but we simply do not have the resources to do so. Therefore, if there is anyone (a classmate, a member of another 1966 era CHS class or a teacher) who you would want to spend some time with at the reunion please feel free to contact them, pass on the information and invite them to attend.
You can see the list of classmates that we've been unable to locate on our Missing Persons Page. Get the word out to your friends on social media whenever you can. If there are folks who you want to see but don’t have a way to contact please let us know. We’ll do everything we can to obtain contact information and personally reach out to let them know they are remembered and missed.
If you do find them, they can
As of July 2024 we still have 335 missing classmates. You can make a big difference!
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You can donate to our Scholarship Fund if you'd like to help support a classmate who would otherwise not be able to attend. Our intent is to subsidize tickets for the Saturday night party, we don't anticipate being able to subsidize travel or lodging.
You may also donate to our General Fund if you would like to help out on the reunion overall
You may pay below with a credit card or you may also mail a check to Bill Finkelstein, Chaffey '66 Reunion, 6584 Birch Dr., Santa Rosa, CA 95404.
Scholarship Fund Donation:
General Fund Donation
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We have lost contact with the following Classmates.
Over the years many of our classmates retired and all we had for them was a work email which now bounces.
If you are in touch with any of these classmates, please have them get us their information by having them fill in our Mailing List Form here on our website (you can't do this for them as it requires replying to a confirmation email). You can also email the information to Bill Finkelstein at
We really need their email address since the postage is so expensive, but any way to reach them would be appreciated. Email or social media is best.
Abbot - La Plante
Larpons - Zorns
Gregory Lewis Abbott
Mark E Abel Andrea Aguilar Barbara J Alvarez Daniel Narez Armenta Alice Jewel Armstrong Robert Arnold Samuel Martin Arroyo James Milton Ashcraft Fred Bailey Herbert Paul Baird Alan Ronald Baker Donna Maxine Baldridge Betty Ann (Balfour) Ball
Keith Milton Ball Cathy Jean Balogh Marilyn Ann (Turner) Banahan Peggy Lynn Banks Beverly Jean Barber Carl Ellsworth Barber Barry James Barton James Basile Patrick Beck Doris Louise Becker Sharon Ann Bishop Irene Blevins Joyce Kay Blockburger Millie Bobitch Linda Elaine Bosley Douglas Boyd Phil Boyd Robert Graber Boyd Dale M Brown Patricia Cleve Brown Phyllis Louise Brown Sylvia Beatrice Bryan Bonnie Lou Burchinal Betty Ruth Butler Evaan Lynne Butler Ken Kevin Butterick Joyce Cadenhead Ashal Richard Calder Sylvia Camacho James A Carter Mary Lou Castillo Donald Klocke Church Sandra J Clarius Michael Charles Clarke Curtis Arthur Clay Sharron Cole Robert L Colter Irene Corpus Joseph Dominic Corra Curtis H Cotton Jerry Wayne Cottrell Constance Gay Cramer John Lawrence Crouthamel Philip Schuyler Crowell Mary Elizabeth Crume Hugh Darrell Culbertson Gary K Daniel Elizabeth Evelyn Davila Steve Miles Davis Jennie Elizabeth DeLaVega Joseph Virgil DelReal Leslie Lee Dick Carolyn Jane Dosh Shirley Joanne Dosh Clifford Lee Downey Clarence Allen Drewry Sharon Lee Dues Patricia Francine Dunn Manuela G Duran Robert Allen Dykes Marshall Moses Elias Bruce Anders Ericson Linda Mae Estes Shirley Ann Evans Sharon Lee Fawcett Charlotte Jean Felsinger Patricia Lou Fiske Linda Diana Flannagan Melody Carmela Fletcher Charles Alan Flexser Katherine Kay Flexser Harry Nolan Ford Michael E Foster Prescott Foster Barbara Lee Fox Mary (Jelinek) Fox Sandra (Strickland) Fritsch Charles Eugene Fruit James Dale Frye Vertis B Fulton Adela (Roman) Gallardo Alfred Alanis Gallegos Anne Harriet Gemmel Phillip E Geneser Alan Genther Samuel Ivan Gibbs Edlin Cameron Gill Tim Gill Gustavo Godoy Salvador Godoy Carol Narez Gonzales Janice C Graham Gary Greene Roberta Jean Greene Dwight Leon Griffin Paul Jacob Grimm Sheila Darlene Guidubaldi Linda G Gustafson Daniel Gutierrez Samuel Herrera Gutierrez Marlene Emily Haas Katherine Ruth Habush Naoma Dee Hadley Gail Loraine Hager Kathleen Avis Hale Katherine Gray Hamm Walter Fred Hannah Rose (Muglia) Hardenburger Darrell L Harriman Bruce Harrington Peggy (Kelly) Harris Cathryn Mary Hartless Vicki J Haustein Virginia Lee Hawkins Barbara Marie Helm Harold R Hensley Thomas Earl Henton Randy G Hernandez Yolanda Lucia Hernandez Gregory Dean Hitter Douglas Walter Hoelzen Dale L Holland Dave William Holmes Diane Michelle Hoover Melissa Ann Horton Lucille Elaine Housel Shirley Louise Hudson Gerald Charles Hughes Kathleen Ellen Hughes Barbara Jo Ickes Virginia Impastato John Harold Jackson Pastoria Lenora Jackson Darlene Janet Johns Jerry Lee Johnson Linda Sue Johnson Greg Johnston Terry Lynn Johnston Catherine Lillian Jones Jeanette Anne Jones Rebecca Jean Jones Yolanda Margarita Juarez Cara Zondra Kapran Jesse Jonah Keiki Ann (Harries) Keller Glenn Hamilton Kent Linda Rae Kilpatrick Connie joy King Rick Knorr L Michelle Korshet Carol Ann Krekeler Judith Roberta Kusterer Laurel Lee Lambeth
Leslie (Johnson) Lambeth Bonnie June LaPlante |
Greg George Larpons Henry Pleasant Layne Susan (Bondello) Layne Elfriede Leinweber Robert Edward LeMaster Brenda Jane LeshJim Levers David J Lewis Linda Shannon Lewis Linda Marie Love Shirley Ann Love Fredrick M Lowe Gaye (Volpe) Lowe Sharon Kay Lowe Cynthia W Magers Sandra Jo Maize Cathy Rae Mallory Daniel Albert Manseau Vicky L. Moore Marlette Martha Ann Marquez Susan (Barnum) Marquez Stephen Robert Martin Cecilia Santos Martinez Richard G Martinez Leonard Wells Mather Adriean Johann Mayor Vay Howard McClure Paula Jo McDaniel Sharon Kay McDaniel Rodney J McDonald John Charles McFann Candelaria Rodarte McFarland Larry Lee McMilon Denice Suzanne Mead Meridee A Meldrum Charles Richard Mick Sharon (Reagin) Mikkelson Darrel R Miller Norman Edward Miller Terry L Miller Randy Marlin Mitchell Harold Reyes Montalvo Ernest Eugene Moore Marilyn (Axley) Moore Petra Morales Jessie Moreno Ruth Joanne Morgan Gary Kent Mumm Susan Maureen Murphy Connie Lou Myers Lytze Carola Nauta Eliseo Navarrette George Nunez Navarro Martha Ann Neely Sheila Lynn Neitman Arthur John Neumann Allan Robert Newman Sandra J Nichols Thomas L Nickelsen Linda Kathleen Nittler Julie Ann Ogden Anita Alice Ortiz Evelyn (Gutierrez) Ortiz Marvin Eugene Osborn Ortiz Diana Kay Osborn Gordon Allan Ouimet Leslie L Owen Estelle Pabis Anthony John Palembas Theodore William Parker David E Parkes Yolanda V Perez Thomas Kent Pierce Douglas Lane Pike Judith Pike Sidney Thomas Powell Linda Jean Racine Addie Rance Pauline Rebecca Jessie Regalado Mary Elizabeth Renner Jacque K Reust James Ronald Rhea Diedra Muzetta Riggs Sharon (Hunt) Robbins Wendy Iris Robinson Richard Petronilo Rodriguez Carmen Ramirez Romo Paula Ann Rorabaugh Judith Lee Rose Richard D Roy Edward Allen Rutledge Diana Kay Sage Gregory Lynn Salisbury Therese Ann Sander John Leon Sanders Christine Susan Scanlon Sharon Katherine Schack Gregory Ray Schmidt Kay (Cooper) Schmollinger Vito Sciortino Larry Duane Shafer Dana Alan Shaw Terry W Shelton Laurel A Shewell Mark Stanley Shore Jerry Ralph Short Colleen (Parker) Sievert-Robinson George M Skaryak Betty Jane Slate Arlene R Smith Daniel Joe Smith Linda Pauline Smith Ronnie R Smith Susie Solorzano Robert Michael Sommer James Eugene Sopher Etta Stange Linda F Stanphill Janice Linda Stein Marilyn Joy Steinle Joyce Ann Stephan Richard Lee Steven Wendyl Bruce Stewart Wayne Wras Stines Walter Glenn Stoner Gilbert George Streifel Sara (Champ) Stringer Janice Carol Sturgeon Eloy A Subia Craig Swanson Kenneth Allen Swieca Ron Dean Tanner Hazel Marie Teague Kenneth Gene Terrill Katherine Terrones Alfonza Terry Sandra (Hardy) Tessier Christene Lois Thomas Donna Raye Thomas Louella Rae Thompson Marilyn Suzanne Tipton Lynda Rae Tompkins Suzanne Teresa Toole Ermelinda Marie Totaro Jerry B Uppinghouse Rebecca Yvonne Urias Kathleen Kay Vallem Richard B Van Eaton Stephen LeRoy Vargo Marylou Delira Vasquez Judy Kay Vaughn Donna Rae Walker Joan Marie Walker Randy Lee Walker Sharon Marie Ward Richard Bruce Watson LouEllen Weaver Charles Leslie Wheeler Richard David Whitbeck Brenda Annette Williams Elizabeth Ann Williams Richard Keith Wilson Susan Carolyn Wilson Barbara Jean Winkler Roberta Henrietta Winsor Laurel Mae Woodworth Shawn Joset Work Dorothy (Howard) Wright Alberta E Young Deloris Jean Zorns |
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The Following Classmates are no longer with us.
They will all be remembered fondly, but are deeply missed.
If you have information about a classmate who has passed, please send it to
Joyce (Vaughn) Allison |
Mike Lee |
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